About the Artist

Day Tripper Life Photography & Art features the art photography and handmade printing art by Ted Judy.

Ted Judy

I was a child of the 1970's and young adult in the 1980's, so my introduction and experience with photography is grounded in analog. Polaroid was awesome! Those boxy point-and-shoot cameras gave instant gratification to us easily-bored kids and made photography fun. My first serious camera was a hand-me-down Canon AE-1 with a 35 mm lens. I enjoyed darkroom photo processing, but it was never a great passion. The rise of digital photography reignited my interest, which then grew into a career as a marketing photographer/videographer. Art photography was a natural progression as I started to travel more and have more time to dedicate to the art.

Printmaking is a much more recent endeavor. I am fascinated by the art form and want to do it all. Currently, I am working primarily in linocut and wood cut relief printing, and dabbling in monotype printing. Everything I make is printed by hand in my home studio.

I currently live near the beach in St. Augustine, Florida with Deb (my very loving and tolerant spouse of 30+ years) and Maggie, our Walker coon hound (my constant companion). You can see my photography and art on this website and in the Art Box 137 cooperative gallery in St. Augustine.

If you want to dive deep into my past, you can check out the Ted's Fishroom channel on YouTube, where for more than a decade I shared my passion for aquariums and other hobbies. I emptied the tanks a few years ago and now dedicate all my free time to art photography and printmaking.